Let's make picture postcards with the diorama-CG.


Do you have one of the Photo Shop series(PS,PS-le,PS-elements or PaintShop)? If you have that, you can make postcards printed diorama-CG very simply

taking 3 pictures

a landscape the kit your pic
At first, you should prepare 3 pics. They are pictures of the kit you made, a landscape and yours.

cutting off

a landscape that was not cut the kit that was cut your pic that was cut
Next, you should cut off 2 pics that are the kit and your picture. But, you don't cut the pic of a landscape.

piling them.

3 pics are piled
Next, You put the picture of the kit upon the landscape, and then you adjust the size of the kit to the landscape.
Then you put yours upon them.

The last work

before>>> afterfinished!!
At last, You adjust the brightness. Then you add to shadows.
So you could get the picture of the diorama-CG. Is it easy,isn't it?

making postcard

Custtoms differ with countries. Application for writting words, too. For example, in Japan, postcards are usually lengthway, so we use the application for exclusive use of Japanese. You should use the familiar application for writing words. And you "paste" or "insert" the diorama-CG picture.

Can you understand my English, can't you?


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